VegFest (uh, a little late...)
Where does the time go? Discovery: having a child on the way consumes free time. Just imagine what could happen _after_the_child_is_born_.
After that bombshell, you are probably barely able to sustain any more news. But good luck, this is old news. Back in mid-march, something called VegFest took place. This appears to have been the second annual event. Unfortunately, I only saw news of it in a Willamette Week ad...two days after it took place.
But in the interest of giving them a little early publicity for next year, I mention it here. With any luck, I'll make it next year. If vegetarians (and sympathizers--you know who you are) show up for these events, local chefs will believe there's a market for more veg dishes on their menus. Good, sí?
Regardless, the sponsors of VegFest were Northwest Veg, who dutifully report on VegFest on their home page, and membership information, newsletters and what have you. Check 'em out...
After that bombshell, you are probably barely able to sustain any more news. But good luck, this is old news. Back in mid-march, something called VegFest took place. This appears to have been the second annual event. Unfortunately, I only saw news of it in a Willamette Week ad...two days after it took place.
But in the interest of giving them a little early publicity for next year, I mention it here. With any luck, I'll make it next year. If vegetarians (and sympathizers--you know who you are) show up for these events, local chefs will believe there's a market for more veg dishes on their menus. Good, sí?
Regardless, the sponsors of VegFest were Northwest Veg, who dutifully report on VegFest on their home page, and membership information, newsletters and what have you. Check 'em out...